The origin
The association was founded in 2012. Its purpose is to support Slacklining And Highlining in Haute Tarentaise, in Savoie. It started with the event Winter Festislack, which has brought together for 8 editions, 150 practitioners from all over the world.
We are now two women at the head of this association, extremely motivated to develop its many facets.
Our history
In 2019 Chloë and Gaëlle unite to set up the first highline initiation courses in France. Both passionate about teaching in their original disciplines (skiing for Chloë and trampoline for Gaëlle), and after years of spontaneously introducing beginner participants at multiple festivals, they decided to share their experience. They love to bring all audiences and profiles to take their first steps into the void, and to accompany them on this overwhelming learning path.
Slack'îcimes is...
The association has always been committed to the development of slackline and highline, as well as sharing its core values.
Since 2012, the WinterFestislack has brought together athletes from all over the world around a unique concept combining Ski & Highline
The association has entertained admiring eyes at various events.
In 2019, the association organized the first highline courses in France. Since then, more than 300 people have discovered the world of highlining with us.
In search of sporting exploits, explorations and discoveries, but also scientific and humanitarian projects.
In collaboration with municipalities and tourist offices, we offer to youngs and less youngs to test their balance.
We work in collaboration with the ISA (International Slackline Association)
The team
Always involved in highline associations, Chloë and Gaëlle have come together since 2019 to give the first highline courses.
Between them, they are a real explosive cocktail of good humor, kindness and motivation!
Our values
share, benevolence, humility, self-transcendence, self-confidence, curiosity to learn and evolve
I discovered highline at its very beginnings in France by meeting the Flying Frenchies, pioneers of the activity, and have seen the evolution over the years of the discipline: installations, materials, techniques...
The aesthetics of the highline leads me to want to access alpine places and I invest myself in climbing and mountaineering for several years to be able to achieve lines that make me dream.
These years of learning lead me to as much inner work as technical and physical work, and I am passionate about passing on my experience, first for several years as a volunteer at festivals, then since 2019 through internships. initiation with Gaëlle.
Ihe magic that is created within the community around the highline is contagious and lasts over the years, and my passion does not age, unlike me ;)
TYPE OF PRACTICESkyline (Highline in high mountains) et search for aesthetic lines
Rigger Certificate ISA (International Slackline Association)
BE Ski Instructor,
Health and Well-Being Coach, Cleen Practitioner (Coaching for the Release of Negative Emotional Imprints) certified ICI (International Coaching Institute of Geneva)
DE nurse
MOUNTAIN ACHIEVEMENTS1st rehearsal Ravanel-Mummery, Aiguille de la République opening, Aiguille de Roc, Col du Maudit, 1st Périades rehearsal, ...
PROJECTSOrganizer of the Winter Festislack in Les Arcs since 2012, Bourse Expé 2013 Paso a Paso Highlin'in Mexico
In 2011, the slackline came into my life, and gradually took a big place. Already accustomed to cliffs thanks to climbing, I naturally headed towards the practice of the Highline.
After a difficult start, the highline ended up changing me. It changes my apprehension of fear, it changes my vision of life, and of the people around me.It meets two of my needs perfectly: understand & share.
Understand the technical installations, and the constant evolution of the material, but also the fear, the overcoming, the acceptance, and all the other feelings which cross us.
And share my knowledge, see the sparkles in the eyes of those new to slacklining, and work with them on their blocks.
Since then, I've traveled a lot, I've been in the mountains, I've set up highlines at many festivals, and I've done countless initiations.After having been President of the Grenoble slackline association for several years, I met Chloë, and our valuesmunicipalities mixed with our complementary skills give life to new projects
and experiences, which confirm me once again on this observation:slacklining can change lives
TYPE OF PRACTICEVaried: beautiful lines & Highline Freestyle
Rigger Certificate ISA (International Slackline Association)
BAFA (Certificate of aptitude for the function of animator)
IT Engineer
Federal Trampoline Initiator
ASSOCIATIVEOrganizer of the Winter Festislack in Les Arcs since 2019, President C'est Slack'er Bon 2016-2018 (Grenoble Association), Highline Manager at many Festivals in France and abroad, ...
SHIPMENTSScientific, sporting and artistic expeditions to Greenland (Northmost Highline Record), Scientific & Humanitarian Expedition to Madagascar, ...
The rest of the team
The association grows every year, and several passionate and experienced highliners have now joined the team.
They share our values and our motivation, and are keen to share their love of highlining.
TYPE OF PRACTICE Varied: beautiful lines & Highline Freestyle
CQP1 rope access technician
Rigger Certificate ISA (International Slackline Association)
Physiotherapist DE
Adapted Sports Educator
PROJECTS: World record for highline length, 2700m in Auvergne (FRANCE) and 2900m in Senja (Norway).
Alpine highline at Periades and Seru
Slacklining came into my life when I was 18, I was first passionate about longlining, before moving towards highlining.
My first highline experience was very (too?) emotionally charged. I came home trembling, thinking it wasn't for me. Finally, surrounded by the right people, I was able to surpass myself, and this passion quickly guided my life.
I love the intense flow that we can achieve by practicing this sport, the artistic side of our practice and the community of enthusiasts around slacklining.
Highlining made me rediscover mountain sports and allowed me to see my environment with another eye. I love mixing my passion with other mountain activities: climbing, ski touring, mountaineering, maybe soon paragliding...
Without knowing it, I have always done "highline freetsyle", before we put a name to this discipline. I have seen this practice evolve
over the years and I hope to be able to introduce it to as many people as possible. It offers another vision of the highline and allows you to surpass yourself at all levels!
TYPE OF PRACTICE Highline Freestyle, long lines & mountain missions
Rigger Certificate ISA (International Slackline Association)
Computer engineer
Judo black belt
ASSOCIATIVE Volunteer & rigging manager at numerous festivals in France and abroad, organization of freestyle workshops, HF (highline freestyle) judge.
Highline artistic performance, athlete sponsored by Slack Inov' and member of the BounceKult team.
2021 HF world champion (ISA ranking list), 3rd place at the first HF world championship in 2022 in Laax, participation in the highline world record of 2.7km in Auvergne (a crossing with 5 falls), record crossing of 227m tandem highline with Mattis Reisner in Les Arcs!
Life is beautiful !
TYPE OF PRACTICE Highline Freestyle
C instructor ISA certification (International Slackline Association)
Sports Physiotherapist
ASSOCIATIVE Highline volunteer at numerous Festivals in France and abroad, ...